Taorahl Drudach

The Embassies
These beautiful houses or villas provide free living space for visiting dignitaries and officials of various foreign powers. Visitors soon learn that local pashas and businessmen spend great sums of money to endear themselves to new business, and the use of these embassies allows some measure of safety and control over these meetings. As so many are eager to please the guests of the city, the local businesspeople provide most of the food and drink, having bought it from surrounding taverns and inns. It is an understood social rule, however, that any who occupy one of the embassy houses must sponsor a gala at the residence a night or two before departing. Everyone settles any final business then, and the local pashas and social climbers get one last chance to endear themselves (or slander their political enemies) to other powers.
In general, visiting officials bring their own guards and servants, but the mercenaries guild always insists on no less than 25 guards per embassy for his eminence's safety, of course, and provide more than enough warriors to fill these guard contingents. While the current method has trusted servants traveling with and providing for their masters upon arrival here, more binding and successful relations may set up permanent ambassadors and their support staffs herein. All parties agree this step is at least a year off, but visits from the Thayvian and Cormyrean trade delegates occur with greater frequency each month.
Drudach Structures
- TD1: City Building/Garrison: Sadidah Taorahl (3-story Class C building)
- TD2: City Building: Amlakkhan Taorahl (3-story Class C building)
- TD3: Festhall: Veiled Glances (3-story Class C building)
- TD4: Guildhall: Furlesahdah (4-story Class B building)
- TD5: Row House: The Chawal's House (5-story Class B building)
- TD6: Inn: The Oasis of the White Jonquil (4-story Class C building)
- TD7: Inn: The Silver Circles (2-story Class B building)
- TD8: Tavern: The Blue Wyrm (1-story Class C building)
- TD9: Tavern: The Eye Tyrant's End (2-story Class D building)
- TD10: Business: Gharab's Jewels (3-story Class B building)
- TD14: Khanduq/Bazaar: The Eye Tyrant's Khanduq (3-story Class C building)
- TD18: Tavern: El Ghaelidah (2-story Class C building)
- TD19: Row House: The Seldarinaradah (4-story Class C building)
- TD20: Festhall/Shrine: The Vihaddah Semohl (3-story Class C building with two cellars)
- TD21: Business: Tabuq's Nightmares (1-story Class B building)
- TD22: Tavern: The Golden Haired Harpy (2-story Class C building)
- TD23: Villa/Minaret: Druzir and Pasha Kyel (2- and 4-story Class A buildings)
- TD24: City Building: The Thayvian Embassy (3-story Class A building)
- TD25: City Building: The Shou Embassy (3-story Class A building)
- TD26: Minaret: Pasha Baadilhaela (6-story Class A minaret)
- TD27: Tavern: The Jet Jambiya (2-story Class C building)
- TD28: Tavern: A Marid's Flagon (2-story Class D building)
- TD29: Temple: The Scholar's Priory (Three 5-story Class B buildings)
- TD30: City Building: The Cormyrean Embassy (3-story Class A building)
- TD31: Villa: Vizar Khomaya (3- and 4-story Class A buildings)
- TD32: Inn: Seven Draughts (3-story Class C building)
- TD33: Business: Melek's Fine Silks and Textiles (3-story Class C building)
- TD34: Business/Row House: Tomed's Locks and Chains (4-story Class C building)
- TD35: Villa: Ralbahr Tahyr el Pesarkhal (3-story Class A buildings)
- TD36: Inn: Chedlara's Kisses (4-story Class B building)
- TD37: Warehouse: Green Wyvern Trade Company (3-story Class C building)